Monday, May 30, 2011

Chapter 12 Golan Heights

On to the Golan Heights and a history lesson. The French created Syria in 1944 and gave Syria the Golan in 1946. The French just wanted to get out and they would never give territory to the British which ruled Palestine at the time. The Syrians used the Golan as a launching pad to rain thousands of missiles down on Israeli communities and Israel captured the Golan during the 1967 war.

We drive up Mt. Bentel which overlooks the Golan. We pass vineyards, cattle grazing on open range and lots of military bases with their flags flying - Orange/Black are Engineers, Green/Black are Armor (see the picture of Latrun) and Red/White are paratroopers. (I couldn't write fast enough to jot down the other services).

 The snow capped Mt. Hamon is 1/2 Syrian and 1/2 Israeli and is 9,000 ft. high (remember this is May).

To the left of the mountain is the Lebanese border. It was cool and very windy the day we were there.

Road sign.

The strip that looks like a brown dirt road in the picture below, is the  Syrian border.

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