Friday, May 27, 2011

Chapter 7 Tues May 10th Caesarea

Up at 6:30 to be on the road by 8 am. Driving thru Tel Aviv. Buildings look like old style Russian block buildings and very shabby. On the road to Caesarea we pass thru Herzliya Herzliya - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia which is the Silicon Valley of Israel with buildings named Microsoft, Google etc. Beautiful neighborhoods with new apartment complexes. Next we drove thru Netanya Netanya - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia which also has numerous high tech firms that built here because land costs and taxes are less than Herzliya. We finally arrive at the aqueduct at Caesarea where we leave the bus for a walking tour

of the Roman and Crusader ruins. Caesarea - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia



The stadium has been restored and is used for concerts. What a beautiful venue on the Mediterranean. Maybe 2000 years from now, someone will say the same thing about the St. Augustine Amphitheater.

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