Monday, June 6, 2011

Chapter 19 Fri eve. Western Wall, Shabbat Service at Hotel

We shower and change after a long hot day in the desert and go to the Western Wall to bring in Shabbat.

The bus brings us as close to the old city as possible and then we walk through one of the gates (I think it was the Jaffa gate). Each gate has a mezuzah affixed to it.

As the sun is setting, there are streams of people heading to the wall from all directions. We finally get to the security checkpoint which takes a while to get through.

I wasn't sure how I would react when first seeing the Western Wall but it certainly was an emotional response different than seeing any other site I've ever traveled to. The plaza is enormous with many buildings surrounding it.

I say a prayer for my dear friend Artie Heilweil and also for my cousin Michael's full recovery. The stones of the wall are surprisingly warm to the touch after the sun has beat on them all day.

The women go to the women's side of the wall. I had started to go towards that side but a woman guard stopped me and corrected my error. My bad.

We reconvene in the plaza, after spending about 30 minutes at the wall, and sing songs welcoming Shabbat.

The "song police" in the form of one of the women guards arrives and tells us to stop singing. Ronit straightens her out in a hurry by telling her that this wall belongs to everyone (or something along those lines). We keep right on singing. Many of the "Birthright" girls are dancing in a circle near their part of the wall much to the consternation of the "dance police". At the official arrival of sundown, the "photography police" arrive to tell us to stop taking pictures in a firm but not obnoxious manner and we respect his instructions - at least till we are out of the plaza and on our way back to the hotel.

Instead of eating in the main dining room, we go to the "Cow on the Roof" restaurant  (I have no idea how it got it's name) which is a private room with it's own wait staff to have a sit down Shabbat dinner instead of the buffet style dinners we have been used to. After dinner, Rabbi Mark leads us in a Shabbat Service after which, he asks each of us to describe our feelings about the trip so far. I think we were unanimous in our feelings that the trip was one of the most exciting, spiritual and enjoyable experiences of our lives. Service ended at 11:20 pm and the wait staff was exceedingly patient and made comments how interesting this was for them to experience as well. We are now officially "wiped" and ready for a good nights sleep and ready to enjoy Shabbat tomorrow.

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