Sunday, June 19, 2011

Chapter 32 Epilogue

I hope you all have enjoyed reading about our adventures as much as I have enjoyed writing this down for you. It truly has been a labor of love.

The following pictures are a hodge podge of things I saw which didn't need any other descriptions and hope you find interesting.

Falafels gone wild:

Assorted fruits:

Guns & Moses:

Listening to a lecture at Gesher:

Friends in low places:

Walking though the humility door:

At the tallis shop:


Satisfying a Mickey D fix:

On stage at Caesarea:

Ronit's son Emit who gave us the tour at Latrun:

Alice and Ruth:

Size places ladies;

Shaking hands in Jordan:

Magical Mystery tour:

Synagogue at Latrun:

Uzis and popsicles:

Thank God we're going home to Israel:

Rick's not happy about leaving Israel:

Classic. Great vacation and thanks to all who shared it with me and made it so memorable.

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